The single phase AV121R is designed to emulate the "Lincoln" thermal Voltmeter that has been used since about 1919. The digital logarithmic averaging produces the same thermal response as the original meter, but with vast improvements in accuracy, stability and features. It can be set up and operated from the front panel or with a computer. The REA listed AV121R-912 Min-Max Recording Voltmeter can automatically collect and store monthly voltage data to help maintain good customer service. It is ideal for monitoring substation and end of distribution line voltage. Customer complaints can be verified accurately with the internal real time clock's one minute resolution time-stamping. Instantaneous and average minimums, maximums, and power outages are recorded. Minutes above a high setpoint, and below a low setpoint are counted and can be used to further identify problem areas in a distribution system. Setpoints are user selected. Monthly data is stored in the meter at the end of each month and retained for thirteen months before being overwritten. The previous month's data can be compared to the same month the year before as recorded in the meter. The meter can be reset manually from the front panel, or consistent monthly data will be recorded using the automatic reset feature. Monthly average minimum, maximum, and number of outages can be read from the front panel. A free, powerful MS-DOS computer interface program allows easy setup and data retrieval.